Are we fully ready for the transition to a smart home?

Company News / 2020-07-07 22:23

As an indispensable part of the Internet of Things industry, smart homes have become the most turbulent wave of the Internet of Things because of their closeness to real life.
  Smart homes are constantly developing and innovating, but they are not able to innovate about the industry. What we call innovation here is not a simple network connection you think.
   Dialectically look at the problem. From the A side of the smart home, we see that people's acceptance continues to rise, but from the B side, people's understanding has not kept up with the development of the industry.
   1.2020 581.93 billion market
  According to the statistical data of "China Smart Home Equipment Industry Market Prospect and Investment Strategy Planning Report" released by the Foresight Industry Research Institute
   The global smart home market size was USD 35.7 billion in 2017;
  The compound annual growth rate for 2018-2023 is 26.9%;
   is expected to reach US$150.6 billion by 2023.
  2016 China's smart home market has reached 260.85 billion yuan;
   In 2017, the scale of China's smart home market reached 334.23 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 24.8%.